LiVHERe - The Living with Violent Heritage Exchange


LiVHERe Project

The Living with Violent Heritage exchange (LiVHERe) provides new multidisciplinary insights into the relationship between heritage and conflict in the increasingly fraught setting of post-war Sri Lanka. LiVHERe documents state and grassroots heritage, memory and arts practices, prior to, during and following the Civil War of 1983 to 2009. It seeks to widen understanding of the capacity of heritage to function as a mechanism for peace, truth and reconciliation, especially when deployed at a grassroots level.


About Us

The LiVHERe project team comprises of professionals working in both academia and non-governmental organisations. Learn more about their expertise and contributions to the project here.


Violent Heritage Sites Sri Lanka

Following the model of the WARMAP by Country, which focuses on wars that took place in Asia between 1931-45, this series of maps specifically concentrates on sites of war memory in Sri Lanka from 1971-present.

These maps will continue to evolve and more sites will be included over the course of the LiVHERe project.


LiVHERe Talking Points

A series of short films documenting the work of the LiVHERe team and their critical analysis of heritage and conflict in Sri Lanka.


LiVHERe Collaborative Field Trips

Explore the collaborative field trips the LiVHERe team have undertaken over the past two years, including image galleries and outputs.


LiVHERE Working Papers and Resources

Discover further resrouces and read papers presented at the LiVHERE Workshop that took place in Colombo, March 2023.


Coming Soon

  • Peacemap Sri Lanka - mapping project documenting 14+ years of justice and reconciliation activism in Sri Lanka

  • Haunted Serendib - 8 episode podcast series commencing production August 2023


LiVHERE Events

Learn more about past and upcoming events the LiVHERE team are involved in.